Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Source: Google.com.pk

Joke Scholtalbers' Publications
Each season, Co-ok, together with Studio Thuis, creates the Co-okbook. This trendbook forms the basis for many new interior decoration collections, and is a source of inspiration for buyers, product developers, and designers.
Trends never stand alone. They are often connected to things that happen in the world on economical, emotional, technological, or spiritual levels. Each season, The Co-...more
On our Click[s] blog we keep everyone informed about interesting developments in the field of interior design and trends, about things that strike us during our trips and trade fairs, in magazines or on the Internet. We also want to show colors that will be important next season, and themes that will be available in the shops.
Joke Scholtalbers' Experience
Trendwatcher interior trends
Sole Proprietorship; Myself Only; Information Services industry
November 2005 – Present (8 years 1 month)
Co-ok, which I've founded in 2005, is an agency that focuses on trends, and the translation of trends for the interior industry
With us you will find information about the latest trends, translated into different themes. These are elaborated with color cards, structures and materials, designs and inspirational images. An ideal source of inspiration, and a great way to start your new collection.
Twice a year, together with Titia Huisman of Studio Thuis, we make our vision of interior trends visible in the Co-okbook, a trend book for interior accessories. We describe the long-term societal trends that underlie the different trend themes. Each Co-okbook then contains several themes, complete with color swatches, textures, patterns and shapes.
Trendwatcher interior trends
Burg Consultancy
1999 – 2005 (6 years) IJsselmuiden
Burg Consulting was a trend agency that focused on the trends in interior accessories, gift and flower industries. Here I was working with a creative team responsible for the Trend Forecast. Twice a year we created a trend book, and we set up a complete new showroom in which the themes from the trend book were actually built in 3 D. Customers could then walk in various spaces and experience the atmosphere of the themes around them. I also presented the trend in a Keynote presentation, explaning all the possible themes and I guided brainstorming sessions with the client afterwards. During this time my extensive travels included China and India, where I worked "hands on" in different factories, to develop products for customers.
Freelance designer
Styling & design
May 1998 – May 1999 (1 year 1 month) Emmeloord
As a freelancer I had several missions during this period, including the children's clothing collection for Get Smart at Intres. I also designed baby clothes for various companies, leather jackets, doll clothes, etc. At one time I came in contact with Burg Consultancy, where I started as a freelance trend watcher. Here I started giving trend presentations. I found the skill of trendwatching so interesting and fun, that after a while, when they offered me a job, I accepted it with pleasure!

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

Jokes Sms In Urdu In Hindi In Urdu In English In Punjabi Marathi Pic Images Wallpaper In Urdu 2013 Poetry

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